

Knockout Email Onboarding Optimization


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When was the last time you thought about your email onboarding sequence?

Chances are you set it up once, and never thought about it again.

Which is a pity, considering that those emails are basically your first point of contact with your subscribers, AKA your could-be future customers.

And maybe you’re not making the best first impression…


Is your onboarding sequence getting lost at sea?

If you wrote your onboarding sequence once and never looked at it again, it’s long past time for a review.

When your subscribers join your list, they’re taking a huge leap of faith.

They’re saying,

“I believe in you, Jervis. I think you’re going to help me. I expect great things from you.”

They take action.

They Do A Thing.

And then you hit them with this boooooooring stuff:

You are killing me.

*Insert sound of all the air rushing out of a balloon*

What a letdown.

How many of your subscribers sign up for your list, and promptly stop opening your emails?

If you don’t know, go check right now.

Those are “inactive” subscribers. And chances are, if you’d done a better job showing them why they signed up for your list, they’d still be opening your emails.

(And you wouldn’t have to purge them from your list later on…)


You’ve got to dazzle your subscribers from the start.

ESPECIALLY if you plan on asking them for something down the line.

The pressure is on to show your subscribers that you’re here to help them first.

Otherwise, you’ll end up with a dead list–think low open rates, 0% clickthrough rates, and flat sales when you try to run a promotion.

If you don’t make your subscribers feel like they made a good choice signing up for your list, then you risk losing them before you ever had them in the first place.


Onboarding Fail - Punchline Conversion Copywriting

This was the second email I ever received from this person. Nothing in here is about me or for me. Including my name.

What if you knew for sure that your onboarding emails were:

  • Delighting your readers and making them loyal advocates of your brand
  • Ushering them through your funnel (you have one of those, right?)
  • Providing real, solid value to the obviously very hip folks who made the life-affirming decision to join your list


Knockout Email Onboarding Optimization turns your lackluster onboarding email sequence into an irresistibly valuable (and frankly, fucking delightful) experience.

How it works

(Hint: You literally don’t have to do anything. I do it all.)

1. I join your list. I open and click through up to 6 of your onboarding emails, including your “confirm subscription” email (Have you customized that yet?).

2. I send you actionable feedback on a WHOLE LOT of aspects of your onboarding emails—from copy, tone, and content to design, graphics, and usability—within 1 week of your onboarding sequence’s end.

3. That’s it! There are 2 steps, and neither of them involve any effort on your part. This 3rd step is just here to make you feel like we completed something together. Good job.

I got a personal recommendation to reach out to Lianna from Joanna Wiebe, and after 30 minutes on the phone with Lianna I hired her on the spot and haven’t looked back since.

Lianna got my style and voice very early on, and she made everything I wrote connect much better with my core audience, but still sound very human, honest and fun.

Geneve Hoffman
16 Hoops
Geneve Hoffman
16 Hoops

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Here’s exactly what Knockout Onboarding Optimization includes

When you make the fantastic decision to buy Knockout Onboarding, you’ll get actionable, specific suggestions and recommendations on the following aspects of your emails:

1. Your content. This is what’s inside your emails–the meat and potatoes.

Quick question: If you’re not sending informative, relevant information in your onboarding sequence, why even bother sending them anything at all?

I’ll help you make sure that your onboarding emails ease your readers into your “regular” emails, AKA your newsletter.

If there’s a disconnect between the first few emails your subscribers get, and what you send in your normal email campaigns, you’re probably confusing new readers.

Confusion = more unsubscribes = not good for you or your list.

I’ll also help you make sure that your content aligns with your goals.

Want subscribers to start their free trial? Make it clear why they should click that button.

TL;DR: Are your emails telling your subscribers what YOU want to tell them? Or what THEY want to hear?


2. Your copy (duh). This is how you present your content–the plating and presentation.

Including, but not limited to:

  • Tone/personality: Who are you? Who do you claim to be? Do those things match up with what feels authentic to your brand—and to what your audience expects from you?)
  • Personalization, AKA using your reader’s name: Use it strategically, not creepily. There’s a fine line.
  • Readability: You can pretty much ALWAYS bank on a paragraph break being a good idea.



3. Your UX, aka user experience. This is how it feels to interact with your emails–the taste, if you will.

Specifically: How does it feel to open and interact with your emails? I’ll address design and formatting issues like…

  • Style and cohesiveness. Do the colors and graphics in your emails match your website? Do the images you’re using look like stock photos?
  • The nitty-gritty. Do your images have alt text and links? Are those links broken?
  • How does it feel to open your email? We’re looking to avoid words like “boring” and “forgettable” here.


4. Your subject lines. This is the good-smelling scent that wafts down the hall and encourages people to come eat, AKA open your email.

Hint: If you’re using the same subject line for every email, you might be losing a shitload of opens right there.


5. Your email flow and timing. No matter how tasty the dinner, if it’s served at 1AM, it’s not gonna be very appealing.

Sometimes, even if you’re saying the right things, you’re saying them at the wrong times.

I’ll comment on how all of your onboarding emails work together (or don’t).

I’ll also suggest timing/flow changes to make sure your emails aren’t dropping the ball OR–even worse–annoying your subscribers.

Sound amazing? It is, actually.

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Take a sneak peek at the deliverables you get:

No surprises here. When you hit the “Add to Cart” button on this page, this is what you’re signing up for:

  • Clearly annotated images of each email in your onboarding sequence
  • Detailed comments on what’s working, what’s not, and why
  • Step-by-step recommendations for what to do next
  • An awesome bonus, which you can scroll down to read about

I put my money where my mouth is.

Want to see how I treat new subscribers to MY very own list?

Lots of GIFs, friendly jokes, and most importantly, useful copy concepts and tips.

you're welcome - Punchline Conversion Copywriting

My “Just The Tips” sequence has a 73% open rate across 5 emails, and a 9.3% click rate (which is fun, because I don’t really offer anything to click).

Just the Tips - Punchline Conversion Copywriting

Those 17 unsubscribers don’t miss me, and the feeling is mutual.

FAQs, AKA things you want to know or maybe haven’t even considered yet

Why should I optimize my onboarding emails? I already got those chumps to subscribe.

True–great job! But your work isn’t done yet.

Your onboarding emails help your subscribers learn how to use your product or service. They offer value.

They’re your first chance to say, “Hey, I don’t take the privilege of being in your email inbox lightly.”


What kind of suggestions will you make?

I’ll make recommendations across the board–from structure and timing of your emails all the way down to line and word-level suggestions.

In most cases of line-level editing, I’ll suggest alternative wording.


OK, fine. But why should I hire you to help me? I can do this myself.

Well then go right ahead, Glen Coco. (But if you haven’t yet…maybe it’s time to delegate.)


I just realized my onboarding sequence sucks or doesn’t exist. What if I want to start from scratch?

I’d love to help with that. Go ahead and fill out my quick project intake form.


Hey look, it’s a really killer bonus!

When you nab your Knockout Email Onboarding Optimization, you also get unfettered access to my weird brain for a full week.

That’s 1 week (7 dayaroonies) to shoot over email questions like,

  • “Should we focus on building an email funnel for our highest-paying customers, even if they’re our smallest market segment?” (Yes, probably)
  • “Is it best practice to send emails where the whole body of the email is a giant picture with text superimposed over it?” (No, absolutely not)
  • “Did you really eat 3 bagels in one sitting last week?” (I plead the 5th)

With this bonus, savvy players can get their email newsletters optimized AND THEN SOME.

Seriously. I’m at your disposal.

Why would you not jump on this immediately? All right, I’ll play devil’s advocate.

Reasons NOT to buy Knockout Email Onboarding Optimization

  • You don’t really give a F about your email subscribers
  • You’d rather send out formulaic emails with zero personalization and zero regard
  • You don’t care about making the most of your email list (AKA the people who agreed to give you access to that most holy of locations: their inbox)
  • Your company is worth less than $597
  • You’re a robot bent on destroying humanity from the inside out, starting with bad marketing practices

Do none of those bullet points describe you? Then you should probably…

[buy_button product_id=”2059″ text=”Buy the damn thing”]

As soon as you check out, you’re 1000% closer to making every single email you send in the future waaaaay more effective.


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